Tuesday, August 2, 2022

 Day 11: Dulverton (Devon) to Wadebridge (Cornwall) - 133k of some of the toughest terrain yet

What a day: to say the Devon to Cornwall leg today was tough would be a bit of an understatement!

Before that though I must mention our goodbye yesterday to the wonderful Faith, after 10 days with the JOGLE team. Thank you so much for your selfless dedication, helpfulness, willingness, humour, love and care for all of us. We wouldn't have made it out of Scotland without your smile hugs and jobs you did for us everyday. You will always be part of JOGLE team. We hope you've got your feet up now :) 

So, it's late. It's the eve of the last day. We are close to our limits: bruises, aches, bum sores, chaffing, spasm hands (Matt!), fatigue, cramps, impatience, exhaustion - but we're still smiling and still getting up tomorrow for the last leg!

Here are highlights and lowlights of the penultimate day of SJB JOGLE:

  • The treacherous Devon hills which provided challenges for the best of us and nearly ruined the rest :)
  • Dan's flat tyre
  • Dan falling in a bush at the corner of a steep descent
  • Becks mopping up Dan's leg blood (he's ok btw)
  • Lewis falling even more dramatically (on the same leg as last time) in the same bush at the end of the same extremely steep and slippy descent - last week's bruise is more like a heamatoma now (we think he's ok)
  • GH's toe cramp which he stops for every half hour and dances about in his socks to relieve (he's definitely ok)
  • Damien avoiding any crisis with a Cornetto 
  • Matt's whole back wheel breaking
  • Dan trying to fix Matt's back wheel but Ev ending up in yet another bike shop with 2 bikes!
  • Vicky absolutely bossing it with the boys and elevation!
  • Ev and Sophia driving round the Devon countryside trying to deliver bikes, painkillers, transport parts and kit and anything to get us to the end point
  • Ev's last load of JOGLE washing ever! 
  • JOGLE meet up and bike maintenance taking over the local SPA shop
  • Tom just taking the opportunity to lay flat on the pavement!
  • Everyone embracing wild wees at any opportunity - we are past caring
  • Emily, Becky, Becs and GH getting thrown off the road for a herd of cows
  • Beth making a surprise appearance for Sam!
  • Finally, finally making it to Wadebridge to be welcomed by Nick's father, Richard; his mother, Yvonne; his sister, Claire; his niece, Molly and his nephew Ben. 
It was an absolute honour and pleasure to be greeted by Nick's family tonight as we cycled over the bridge at our last town on route. A poignant finale to an incredible week and a reminder about what we're doing this all for. 

Nick's family joined us for dinner and it was so lovely to hear their stories about Nick and remember the man we knew so well in such a loving way.

And to top the trip off we were all treated to a video of our family and friends which Ev and her team had clearly spent weeks preparing for our last night. Faces gasped and tears rolled as our mums, dads, siblings, children, wives, husbands, boyfriends and girlfriends appeared on the screen in front of everyone. Thank you all for this last push!

See many of you tomorrow in Lands End! For those we don't, thank you for your endless support and encouragement over the last 12 days. It's been a journey none of us could have imagined and one we hope Nick Windsor would be proud of. 

One last sleep and get up for you Nick... 





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